The reality is that publishing books is a business and closing Tricycle was a business decision. I just wish the reality included keeping the fine imprints that are willing to take on some of the unusual and eclectic projects that Tricycle has been known for. Tricycle published really interesting books, award-winning books, quirky and eclectic books. They did multicultural books, books about the environment, books with GLBT themes. They bought my own book Signed, Abiah Rose – a wordier-than-usual picture book, kind of girls’ lib – at a time when picture books were getting shorter.
There are still independent houses and some great little independent-minded imprints. I hope we all will support them. There should be room for little publishing houses as well as the giants of publishing. There’s a place for all of them. Hopefully the backlist will be supported (that’s where my book is!) Hopefully the books that were in varying degrees of production will be published. For myself, it had looked like I might have a second book with Tricycle… a manuscript was under consideration and my editor and I had spent a lot of time working on it. I was hoping for a second experience with them as pleasant as I’d had with Abiah.
Many writers and many illustrators have had their imprints close, their editors move, their books orphaned, their projects abandoned. But it’s always sad and every time an imprint or a house closes down there’s fewer places for us writers and illustrators.
I salute all the brave, creative, progressive, innovative small publishers who are marching to a different drummer and not blending in with what may turn out to be one huge homogenized interchangeable publishing business.
So goodbye to a great little house, and good luck to all the fine and talented people who were Tricycle Press – especially my very excellent, generous, talented editor, Abigail Samoun.